Tuesday, February 26, 2002

The Winter Olympics are over...when did they begin? It’s so easy to be totally unplugged from the world. Six weeks in England and i feel like i’ve lost all touch with pop culture. I am now a step behind and i feel inadequate. Even worse, i feel shallow for feeling inadequate. What happened on Friends? There’s a new season of Real World? Where is it? Who’s nominated for the Oscars? Is the Jay-Z Unplugged album hot? Has Britney been de-flowered yet? I don’t know the answer to any of these earth shattering questions and that kind of bugs me. Here’s what i do know. Sarah Hughes won the gold, we lost in hockey and my Celtics made a big trade. But i only know this because i read the sports page every morning (and the comics, Garfield sucked today, now you know). Beyond that, i’m a pop culture addict with a sequence gap. And it’s not so bad. My world hasn’t collapsed. I am still alive and functioning. Go me.

Hey Conehead and Chrissy: Do you remember this phrase? “One plus one equals conspiracy!”