Thursday, February 21, 2002

Here is everyone’s secret fantasy…to be sitting somewhere, be it coffee shop, book store, pet supply depot or park bench…and to have a random person come up to talk to you because they see something in you that piques their interest.

posted by The Wizard

You mean get hit on?

posted by Tin Man

No. Because as a guy, that doesn’t happen. Plus, that’s just sleazy. I mean just to have random people who are cool and interesting and who want to talk to you, if only for the sake of a few minutes interaction. There are so many cool people out there that are just waiting to be discovered (I’ve been reading lots of random people’s blogs recently) and there should be some way to know when a random stranger is a cool person.

posted by The Wizard

Like a system? Lights perhaps? The traditional green, yellow and red maybe?

posted by Tin Man

Yeah, that would work. Everyone carries a little light that glows green when you walk within the proximity of someone that you would get along with really well. Then we could walk through life constantly meeting cool people without having to go through the faulty filtration process that we use nowadays. It’s inefficent I say. We need to streamline our social interactions so there’s less chaos and less things left up to chance. We need to know, bang on, when a compatible person walks by.

posted by The Wizard

Doesn’t that strip away the magic of meeting someone? Of discovering someone? And how would this light system determine compatibility?

posted by Tin Man

Well, it would have some great omniscient power to look deep down into people’s hearts and souls and determine if they would get along. That way, there is still magic, it’s just systemized by a higher power.

posted by The Wizard

Wow, you could change the world. Actually, I read somewhere about this little pager-like thing that buzzes when someone comes within range who is compatible. But it’s only a dating thing. And it’s based on multiple choice questions so that might be a little shallow, this magic system of yours sounds much more intriguing.

posted by Tin Man

I remember in high school every year around Valentine’s day everyone took this multiple choice test and then you could pay a dollar for results and it would show the people who were 94% or 76% or whatever compatible. We need to make that a little more sophisticated and powerful.

posted by The Wizard

That might solve the whole “I’m single and there are no good people around” worldwide dilemma wouldn’t it?

posted by Tin Man

Yes, it’s an all-around brilliant idea.

posted by The Wizard

Go for it I say. We’ll make millions. Or at least say we tried.

posted by Tin Man

People would trip over themselves for such an item, I’ll go to work on it right away. We’ll codename it: “Project Cupid.”

posted by The Wizard

Very mysterious. Until you get all that worked out i'll rely on my old-fashioned system of weeding: stereotyping.