Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Dude, it must suck to be ordinary.

posted by The Wizard

My my aren’t we making some big headed statements today! I hope you are including yourself into this “ordinary” category otherwise I’d have to say that you’re a big snob.

posted by Tin Man

Fine, call me a snob, call me delusional but some people are just incredibly boring. Stereotypical outsides meshed with stereotypical insides. It’s like biting into an Oreo and finding not cream on the inside but just more cookie. Disappointing.

posted by The Wizard

Nice analogy there Mr Un-ordinary...

posted by Tin Man

Thank you. I mean, sometimes people just seem incredibly blah. They don’t say anything interesting, nothing intrigues you about them and you can’t think of a single thing to ask or talk about.

posted by The Wizard

I suppose because many people are ordinary we get that subset of ordinary people who are ordinary people dressed up as exciting people.

posted by Tin Man

Yeah, I found out those people are called “artists.” People who try too damn hard to be something. Anything.

posted by The Wizard

It’s a bit unfair to label them “artists.” Let’s go with the equally appropriate but more universal label of “posers.”

posted by Tin Man

We’re starting to get off track here, I don’t want to talk about the people who try too hard but rather keep our focus on the people who are just….plain. Like vanilla. I try to muster the mental capacity to be intrigued by ordinary folks but I find it intensely frustrating.

posted by The Wizard

You know what's funny? I find talking to you intensely frustrating...does that mean you're ordinary? I mean, you use trite sayings like "plain, like vanilla." I find that pretty ordinary.

posted by Tin Man

I can see this is gonna be going nowhere.

posted by The Wizard

Yeah, and it's boring.