Well, I’m back from England. Are things different? Nope. Not really. San Diego is freakishly cold. I actually do kind of miss England a little bit. It wasn’t terribly boring and it wasn’t terribly exciting. It just was. I think I’ve learned a lot and at the very least I think I’ve gotten a perspective of the UK that few people will be able to because I lived in the country and everything. Having said all that, I’m ecstatic to be back. I’m not sure how soon I’m gonna have to go so for now I’m not switching on my cell (plus the $75 overdue bill is a deterrent).
As soon as I got home, I got a bite to eat and then played some Starcraft with my little cousin. He’s hilarious because everytime he comes over he just wants to watch me play Starcraft and all I do is enter cheat codes and he thinks I’m a god. Ah, naivette is great. James, Victor, Pan, Des and Adam came over to pick me up after that and we immediately went downtown to Fumari’s. Well, we were supposed to go to Fumari’s. Instead, James saw an ex-girlfriend there and freaked out and we had to go play pool for an hour until he was sure she left. I remember this particular psycho girlfriend from high school and I guess James had good reason to run and it was funny watching his quiet panic. Ha.
It was nice to sit in a car without hearing every little bump in the road actually. You know that feeling when you get back from somewhere? Regardless of long ago it was? Like you never left and the past however much time was just a dream? That’s what I feel like right now, like England is really really far away. It’s a comfortable feeling I guess.
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