I’ve been told that i’m too cynical. Actually, i call myself cynical too, but only in a self depreciating kind of way. As a matter of fact, i don’t think i’m cynical at all. I’m a “the glass is half full” kind of guy.
posted by The Wizard
That’s an optimist. It has nothing to do with cynicism. Take it from someone who knows, you’re cynical.
posted by Tin Man
Being cynical would imply that i always look at the poor side of things right? Always thinking that things will turn out bad and stuff like that.
posted by The Wizard
Wrong again, that’s pessimism. Cynical is thinking that everything is #$@% up and beyond repair. Things won’t GO wrong, they ARE wrong.
posted by Tin Man
Oh, well, in that case, i guess i’m a cynic. But the thing is, i really don’t think you can be open and accepting unless you start off as a cynic. If you think that things are great and happy all the time and that the world is a fair and lovely place, you’ll only be set up for disappointment and failure. Things are messed up without any explanation, only by accepting that fact can we prepare our mindset to accept things as they are....
posted by The Wizard
.....shitty......the cynic is emerging people, watch out....
posted by Tin Man
Think about it, by being a cynic, you realize that people are different (and possibly flawed), for whatever reason, and you can channel that knowledge into trying to understand them. Being a cynic causes you to be less ethnocentric and more accepting in all respects. Then again, cynicism can be taken to a higher unproductive level.
posted by The Wizard
Yup, that’s called bitterness. I’ve known many cynics who are just plain bitter and want to remove themselves from the world. If the world sucks, they want to treat everyone else shitty because hey, if it sucks, why try?
posted by Tin Man
See, i’m not bitter, i’m just a realist. Yeah, i like that. I’m a realist, not a cynic. I accept the realities of the world and mould myself accordingly. Work the system, don’t question it.
posted by The Wizard
Ah, now it's clear, you’re really an opportunist.
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