Friday, April 19, 2002

I read an article, which i can no longer find, about how reading can make you knowledgeable, but not smart. Because reading is just like talking to someone and the opinions expressed are just as flawed as anything else. The mere act of reading can increase your knowledge base but the ability to process and integrate is a separate ability. And the article goes on to state that people who read alot shouldn't come across as being smarter than everyone else. Because they aren't.

posted by The Wizard

I find it ironic that you read this. And now you present it as a pseudo-fact.

posted by Tin Man

No, i just agree with his rationale. I mean, reading is pretty much the main reason we, as humans, have inherited the earth. Knowledge from the past can be passed on forever if we take the time to mine other people's words and wisdom. But this alone doesn't make us smart. If anything, we've just become pompous and abusive.

posted by The Wizard

Good one. You read that somewhere too?

posted by Tin Man


posted by The Wizard

You've just convinced me that you know nothing.

posted by Tin Man

So now the truth comes out. My cover's blown.

posted by The Wizard

It wasn't really all that great of a cover anyway.

posted by Tin Man

At least i CAN read.

posted by The Wizard

Whoop de doo. Look at how far that's taken you.