Tuesday, April 9, 2002

don't laugh at me. i have no life. no need to rub it in. here is my review for the peer-to-peer blog review. i was supposed to review greenswitch.org too but it won't work in china. so go there and see if it's good for me. from the hardest working pimp in blog business......

the schwartzreport.net is the daily news site for stephan a schwartz himself. knowing nothing about the man, aside from his intelligent looking picture and words, i had to go into his biography to find out that he is an experimentalist in parapsychology and was privileged enough to have been a part of several major social transformations. before i steal more of his words, here's a direct quote: "my life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can, and have, effected social change."

sounds like an interesting guy. and his website reflects this. the design is simple but very effective. menus on the left, content on the right. everything is well thought out and the navigation and readability of everything was quite excellent. the daily news itself is of the serious yet interesting variety. "human cloning project claims progress." "short-sightedness may be tied to refined diet." "life on mars hopes raised." this is the kind of stuff that i personally find quite interesting but i cannot say that everyone will be into this sort of stuff because he does not give it a humorous or cynical twist. not that he should. mr schwartz has written books, research papers, magazine articles, and done numerous other things that establish his credibility without having to pander to the lowest common denominator. he might even be extraordinarily famous, despite my ignorance of his name and status.

a cool feature on his site is the left menu tabs, which all contain rather useful links to things like auction sites, internet e-zines, money, newspapers, etc. this would be a rather nice portal site for people if they were so inclined to use one. all in all, i found the site to be quite comprehensive and quite useful. the schwartz report is also available in e-mail format and that is where i'm assuming most of his readership goes, because i didn't see any comments, although the topics are certainly worthy of many dozens of comments.