being a factory worker is mad crazy work. not that i am one since i've only been here for two weeks but just watching the people around me, i don't understand how they don't go nuts all day long. they work eight to five. monday through saturday. no breaks. just lunch. and they have to crank out hand-crafted perfect work day after day. and for all this, they get paid the equivalent of about one thousand dollars a month. maybe. it's strange how salaries are based on demand and supply as opposed to difficulty of task. then again, i guess not. nevermind.
i struggle with what to talk to them about. my chinese isn't good enough to ask them real questions so i have to ask them about family, school, where they're from, how work is, yada yada.
the jei-jei who works to my right has been extremely helpful. everyone is paid by how much they do per hour so nobody is too delighted to help the newbies but since i have a sort of special status, people come by to check out how i'm doing. even though i found out my uncle told them not to do that. anyway, she takes the time out of her work day to patiently sit with me and teach me all the little tricks and the little time saving devices involved in soldering delicate flute bits. i think i frustrate her with my lack of ability. she speaks my frustrations for me to the person in charge when something is too hard or too out of my reach. and for each minute she spends with me, that is one minute she is not getting paid. i think the system will change soon. i hope. but for now, i'm extremely grateful to have her eye on me all day long. she's maybe twenty six or so and she's been here seven years. seven years of factory work. damn.
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