Friday, April 25, 2003

you may be a cunning linguist. but i'm a master debator. how many times do we admit we're wrong? i'm sure we don't do it that much. excuses, logic, reasoning, "other factors." we probably use all of these to our utmost advantage to avoid that most quietly spoken of phrases, "i'm wrong, you're right." na na na. it feels so good to be right doesn't it? to crush someone's ideas and theories under your totalitarian boot. everyone takes such pride in their views of the world and their perceptions.

but seriously. sometimes, people are just wrong. no gray. no fuzzy pink. just wrong. and it's tough to admit that. half of being human is coming up with ways to cope with "i'm wrong but how can i spin it to be right?" many times when we engage in debate or analysis, does anyone actually change their mind? i will never convince anyone of anything. i can only speak until my tongue turns blue and my head drops off. sometimes, people will see your point and go "i see where you're coming from but i don't agree." or my favorite "i feel you..." but then maybe we walk away going "man, is he/she/it on crack or what?" is being open minded just listening to someone and seeing their point and then staying with ours?

when was the last time someone pointed something out to you and you went, "holy cow, you are totally right. i'm so wrong! i am an angel/bastard/hypocrite." it rarely happens. we conceive our own worlds and live in them and that's the last thing we're willing to give up. the biggest thing a man can do is admit when they're wrong. i'll never do this of course. i'll go down kicking and screaming before i admit i'm wrong. i know, it's a disgrace. but that's just how i feel. you're wrong. i'm right.

i mean, how do you admit to yourself that all your world is an empty shell? all the things you've processed in the past twenty four years have been wrong? can you even unravel all the layers of deception you've created for yourself at this point? or are we headed down a straight track, loaded down with our baggage and thoughts? is it a sign of weakness to say to someone "i'm wrong, you're right." i feel like that might be painful to some people. because it would be admitting that someone has the upper hand on them. that someone knows more than them.

before we open up ourselves to growing, don't we have to open ourselves up to criticism and change?