jumping music, swift dj's
smoke machines and laser rays
look out weekend cause, here i come
because weekends were, werrrre made for fun
-black eyed peas, weekend-
there's this distance, from one weekend to the next. each approaching weekend seems so far removed from the last one. the cast of characters remain pretty much the same but each new weekend promises a different adventure, or lack thereof. i don't work hard enough to have to die with impatience on the weekends so i just roll with it and see what happens. i never know what i'm doing from weekend to weekend but invariably the days just fill up. it was only seven days ago that people were on break and elisa was here. that seems soooo long ago. like a distant memory. and it's barely been a week. and then not seeing victor and james for this single weekend was kind of weird. our xbox sundays have been almost ritual. and hong is away in michigan for greenies so that's semi-strange.
not that any of this changes things. weekends are still full of doing lots of jack nada. susan and michelle came down from irvine and we pretty much shopped at pacific beach on saturday. i bought lots. and i haven't spent any buying money in quite a bit. it feels good to contribute to the economy again. i got my tattoo retouched (it was pale in some areas). i got a totally undeserved parking ticket. um, we saw phone booth too. which was short, to the point, and pretty decent. the whole movie was shot in ten days, which must be a record or something.
there was three hours of karaoke too. that is alot of singing. that is alot of canceling and "nope, this song doesn't work, next please." there was also a bit of alchohol on saturday night, followed by a lot of passing out in front of fight club. and then i wake up and jimmy and gaga show up to present my feminine side with dirty weeds and cacti from the hike they just went on. dorks.
in short, all my weekends can be described in three words or less, or expanded into a blow by blow story. i'm not sure which one is more indicative of my true weekend. i do know that next weekend we will be making t-shirts. i know. jealousy rages.
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