served. every trip has the moment, the thing that everyone remembers. this year's moment was more of a move, or a series of moves actually. come do you combine capping on somebody, showing them up and having them love you for it? ask jon g. because he did it all. and made everyone laugh all out while doing it. what did he do? jon g did "the hong." what is "the hong" you ask? it's the face and dance moves that hong uses up in the club. jon g has obviously been studying hong very carefully and this weekend he showed us all what he had learned. i'm not even gonna describe what it looks like because it's impossible. there exists some shaky amateur footage of it all but none of them really were able to capture the moves. suj's video is here but it only catches the very last arm swing. (jill's "scandalynn" impression is here too, but again, it was not fully captured).
jon g was asked for the rest of the weekend to "do it do it." one time i accosted him in the hallway to "come with me (to do the hong)" and he thought he was in trouble or something since i was so serious about getting him to follow.
the first time jon showed us his amazing gift, it was at green tea house, the boba house we frequent. eddie was blasting music out of his car and everyone got into a semi-circle and jon g just went at it. busted out the hong. people from the boba shop came out and were watching. one of the guys who worked at the boba shop came out and did a little break dance thing in the circle. then martin did a little bit. and then there were some palak bhangra imitations or something. and then there was jon g's challenge to hong to both do "the hong." but that challenge was declined. i can't convey in any way how amazing this experience was. you just had to be there. i'm sorry if you weren't.
i've been thinking of ways to humiliate/love hong for years but now i'm giving up since jon gotianse has single handedly, with a few seconds of dance move, accomplished more than i could've ever imagined. jon g is my hero.
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