24. this is what i've realized about fitness gyms, they don't want you there. after you pay the introductory fee, the monthly upkeep fee, the oxygen fee, the gym has no more use for you. every time you come in, all you are doing is taking up space and contributing to an overcrowded environment. if the gym could be honest, it would say "please try not to come in more than once a month because our other patrons like it better when all the machines and facilities are free." i mean, what is the financial reason for the gym to encourage you to come visit them? none. they don't sell more t-shirts, they don't get more money, all they get is more sweaty towels. all the bells and whistles they have (sauna, pool, basketball court, juice bar) is only there to get you to sign up so you feel good about having these facilities at hand, even though you would never use ninety five percent of the amenities.
this is in direct contrast to a visit to a sporting event or disneyland. the amount you will spend at a game or inside the happiest place on earth will probably match the entrance fee they charged -- if not exceed. these places want you to stay at the venue longer, and to get tired and thirsty, because they have concessions and merchandise. fitness gyms have nothing. the only reason gyms might want to see you there is because if you go work out a few times a week, you will feel like your monthly dues are "worth it" and you'll continue to pay. but if they have you under contract, they would much rather you just stay away for the duration of that contract, since they gain nothing extra by having you around.
the only way to combat this is by going to the gym all the time and trying to sweat more than usual, as to use up more towels. this way, you will not only get your money's worth but also be beating the man. and isn't it always about beating the man? wait, actually, they make you bring your own towel to the gym hunh? damn, shows what i know. well then, if that is the case, the only way to "win" is to take extra long showers to drive up their water bill, even as you shield your eyes from the sight of naked old guys waddling about on two and a quarter legs.
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