man overboard. so real world san diego is winding down. i vowed to watch it religiously but social obligations took me away and in truth, there wasn't anything all that exciting about this year's cast. sure it started off kind of promising. frankie was a walking ad for hello kitty and had the damnest style of all time. the cast seemed to be chill and perfect for san diego's mix of sunshine and sailing. it was exciting to see where in the city they went out to and such. but after awhile, the drama got old.
robin was a belligerent drunk. cameran and brad, brad and cameran, blah blah. cameran is cute as a button and that's really about all i can say about her. anyone else think brad looks like the superman version of jerry seinfeld? tell me i'm wrong. randy is a nice guy but his haircut is atrocious and i really can't look at him for longer than two seconds without reaching for my clippers. ugh. frankie turned out to be too 'punk rock' for everyone and booted the house, taking along with her all her issues (ie. cutting, cystic fibrosis, aversion to large boats, general craziness). i stopped watching the show when frankie went wild. too much whining and too much frankie. a man can only take so much hello kitty, contrary to popular opinion about my tolerance for things pink and kitten shaped. i heard there was a new roommate added after frankie left but i'm sure he's just fluff anyway. in short, this real world san diego just didn't do much for me.
plus nobody in the house really appreciated the fact that their job basically consisted of hanging out on a boat all day. hello, how is this even a job? sign me up real world, i need you as my head hunter.
the two coolest people on the show got no air time. i've yet to see an episode with jacquese doing anything other than sit there in the background and comfort people and try to be smiley and friendly. he just seems constantly amused. his bio describes him as having "developed a quick wit and an even quicker tongue" but we never got to see this because jacquese was never around.
and jaime is just an extra too. i saw the episode with her trying to connect to her korean mom but that was just too stereotypical to be exciting. her trying to get to know her mother on national tv, trying to communicate despite her halting korean. "i'll graduate college, i'll get a good job and help you and dad, don't worry." i don't know why but for some reason jaime has no clue who her parents are ("dad's retired?!"), maybe she was sent over to the states at an early age? i don't know, i must of missed that explanation when i blinked twice in a row by accident. it was nice of mtv to devote ten minutes of their season to her, see you later jaime. at least she got into kayaking and fishing while she was down here. jacquese and jamie seem to be people you would actually want to hang out with. the rest of the cast? probably not.
in short, this real world season blew. and i'm not just bitter that i'm not on real world san diego. really. oh and one more thing, the story about the real world rape is finally cleared up for me.
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