Saturday, June 26, 2004

beastly. someone explain the beastie boys to me. i don't know where they fit into the hip hop pantheon. i'm watching them on mtv, as part of the $2bill concert series and it looks to me like a bunch of polo shirt wearing white boys yelling into microphones. my spider sense tingles.

i've never heard the beastie boys really, except for a few random songs here and there. i know that many people like them but i'm not sure why. were they like the eminem of their time? where they posers? where they hip hoppers? i'm cruising the bio and i'm learning that the beasties were def jam's first signing and rap's biggest selling album of the 80s. that sounds like it might lend some credibility. but what does that tell me really? that the beastie boys were able to cross over?

i'm really confused by this because i feel like i've missed out on something here, since the beastie boys seem to be quite popular and also a large part of hip hop's history. confusion reigns.