north versus south. brother versus brother. do you ever wonder which side of the race divide you would have been on, if you had grown up forty years ago? would you be one of the majority marching with the minority? or would you have been one of the majority suppressing the minority? this is assuming your skin color was the majority.
i think we take it for granted that we would of been on the side of the "right." but that's probably not the case. after all, we wouldn't all have been open minded and revolutionary. some of us had to be bigots and retards. or merely pawns of our upbringing and culture. right?
additionally, you have to wonder about which assumed truths today will be overturned and proven to be fallacies tomorrow. something like the world being round as opposed to flat. i need earth shattering news in my lifetime. and since this space exploration business is clearly going anywhere, i'm hoping for another continent to be discovered (one populated exclusively by giant mammals, birds, fungi and reptiles would be a bonus). or something to prove that cigarettes are actually beneficial to your health would be nice too. but that's a long shot. rationally speaking. but i'll keep my fingers crossed regardless.
i've begun the habit of smoking with a sanitary glove on. like the ones doctors and bio lab workers use. this may not do much for my social cache but it nearly eliminates the post-cigarette stink on my hands. it's pretty incredible actually. after testing out socks, tissue paper and leather gloves i may have finally found an economical solution to my problem. that problem being i hate the smell of cigarettes on my finger but yet i smoke. the sanitary glove cuts down on at least 90% of the odor. pretty amazing eh? i might be on the verge of starting a trend. watch out.
if someone could find me some dowager like cigarette holders, those ivory or plastic type ones, that would help too. otherwise i'm about to take my sanitary glove to the clubs and to the streets. and how much more embarassed would you be to be hanging out with me then?
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