Monday, January 26, 2004

i know you heard me on the radio (true). we were on the radio yesterday! we got a shout out! woo-hoo! times like these i wish i was in high/middle school again so that this could be the coolest thing to happen to me all week. but instead, i have to pretend that this wasn't so cool because it was just a shout out on an internet radio station. and it wasn't because i was special or different or famous, but because i aim-ed the DJs and asked for a shout out. still. it's pretty exciting sitting in on a monday night, getting shout outs for me and my undisclosed (read, embarrassed) friends. yeah i know, the pinnacle of my life has been reached. there is only a mind numbing series of lows and questionably mercurial highs after this. but for tonight we're famous!