Thursday, March 6, 2003

you (sdg&e) light up my life. the electricity just went out. my first panicky thought was that someone cut the lights and was about to come breaking in. but keep it real. if somebody wanted to come in and jack me and my home, i doubt they would need to clip the lights first. i mean, i'm intimidating and all but we're talking professionals here. i am but an amateur screamer. my initial secondary thought was that the fbi was putting some moves on. but once again, the same irrefutable logic lead me to the conclusion that this was just a power outtage. and seriously, i live in del mar, the bastion of upper middle class suburbia. nothing crazy goes on here.

where is that prometheus guy when you need him? i dug around for a lighter or matches to light my candle. i couldn't find any. ironic no? i am a smoker who can't find a damn light when absolutely necessary. i should be shunned. i was using the fluorescent light from my cell phone to find my way around. ghetto.

the lights are on now. obviously. no need to get freaked out for me here. i'm a-ok. check your pulse, hitch up your belt, bunch up your panties, life can go on. it occured to me that if the lights went off when i was all alone at home i might just be forced to cower. but let's hope it never gets to that. suburbia man, it's not the inner city but its got its hazards.

[update 12:21am] the lights went off again. if this isn't a reason to buy more glow in the dark stuff i don't know what is.