Sunday, March 30, 2003

cigaweed. i am drug free. d.a.r.e. is me. however, if there was ever an opportunity, i would think about taking hallucinogens. say shrooms. or maybe acid. i am starting to think that it would be an experience. i am so tightly wrapped up in me, so sure of who i am, that it would be very interesting to see what things might result out of some experimentation. i want to open myself up to the nether world. converse with my subconscious, let down some walls, see what is really hiding behind my cranium. would i have visions? would i be paranoid? would i have an ephipany? would it change me? i want to know.

weed has lost most if it's curiosity for me (not that it had much to begin with). e was kind of exciting for a second. i wonder what those druggy sensations must feel like, but i know that they won't bring me anything but short term pleasure. hallucinogens however, are a different story. i feel like they might open me up to something. allow escape into another dimension, another plane of existence. or perhaps i'm romanticizing what the effects might be. how do i know? i've never tried it. maybe i'm hoping it would allow me to be uber creative. or give me some insight into myself. someone told me this weekend that tripping on acid made all the difference. allowed them to open their eyes. i want to know if my eyes are open or closed. please, no small eyes jokes.

this is not of course, something i'm dying to learn about right away. given the ideal surroundings, with the perfect set of people around, i would be willing and curious. but mostly it's just a thought going through my head.