Monday, March 24, 2003

took this test to determine if i had any personality disorders. negatory. well, they did say that i was anti-social and narcissistic, and that i was moderately schizotypal and histrionic. which to me, discredits the whole thing. because really, i'm very well narcissistic but anti-social, schizotypal and histrionic are not me. so obviously the results are bunk and i am still a normal perfect person. go me.

and then we have this from eharmony, a service that helps you find a life partner, the twenty nine dimensions of compatibility. the twenty nine are: good character, dominance vs submissiveness, curiosity, industry, vitality & security, intellect, appearance, sexual passion, artistic passion, adaptability, obstreperousness, sense of humor, sociability, energy, ambition, emotional health, anger management, quality of self conception, mood management, communication, conflict resolution, kindness, autonomy vs closeness, feelings about children, family background, education, spirituality, traditionalism, values orientation.

whew. quite a list eh? i'm gonna try to think about what all these things mean and if indeed it is the most important twenty nine things to look for. and no, i had no idea what the hell obstreperousness was either.