Wednesday, March 19, 2003

inter-national, underground

thunder pounds when i stomp the ground

like a million elephants with silverback orangutans

you can't stop a train

who want some? don't come un-pre-pared

i'll be there, but when i leave there

better be a household name

don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang

bombs over baghdad!

don't even bang unless you plan to hit something

bombs over baghdad!

so war has started today. before i even had really decided if i was anti-war or pro-war. not that my opinions on the matter were heavily anticipated by g dub or anything. i guess one could still be anti-war in the middle of an ongoing war so my education on world events can still continue. i was gone all weekend so i had no knowledge of bush's declaration of "forty eight hours or we're coming in" thing. that seems absurd to me. why would saddam just jet out of iraq suddenly because of a forty eight hour time limit? i suppose george did it to give him a chance. and that's all we need isn't it? a chance?

watching the initial bombing on tv is very weird. first of all, the live video feed is very strange. it's live. we are watching war happen. not on tape delay, not on re-enactment. it's happening. the streets of baghdad look very peaceful in the morning. lonely cars were trucking around on the roads. i wonder where they were going. who was in them. why they were on the road when their city was about to get bombed on. but i suppose people need to get places, war or no war. mcdonald's after all, is getting ready to serve breakfast around that time.

they interviewed some captain or something. the reporter asked him the most inane questions. stuff like "so what do you expect out there? how much force are you guys bringing in? have you been given any commands? where are you most likely to hit first? what is your quest? what is your favorite color?" why are we interviewing soldiers about what they're gonna do? watching the telecast, i felt like it was the moments before a big sporting event. "what do you guys have to do to win tonight? are you motivated by saddam's comments? how excited are you to finally reach the big dance?" it's just ridiculous, watching reality tv war. i'm waiting for them to break out the play by play. direct hit baybee!

i know everyone wants to know everything that's going on but do we really need to tell the other side exactly what our weapons are? what plans and strategies we are planning to employ? did we ask george washington what he was planning to do to defeat the english? was custer made aware of the whoop ass that was coming to bear on him? war is ridiculous enough as it is, without all this tele-drama and live video action.