Wednesday, July 14, 2004

the second to last crusade before the finale. we just watched the third indiana jones movie. it's freaking spectacular. i think the only other time i watched it was when it originally came out. it's really very good. spielberg made a tight, streamlined popcorn movie. and having sean connery as harrison ford's foil just makes the dynamic so much better. i'm realizing that much of the plot of the da vinci code could conceivably be ripped (inspired) from this installment of the trilogy. maybe it's just the similarities between the searches for the holy grail but the backstabbing and plot twists seem to be eerily familiar.

i can't wait until the da vinci code movie comes out. it will be ron howard directed and possibly starring russell crowe and kate beckinsdale. could be hot. i wonder if it'll hold up to the indiana jones movie, which just breezed by and sucked me in. will the da vinci film be able to translate most of the excitement of the book? when you read da vinci code, it seemed like it was tailor made for the silver screen. i wonder if the religious folk will be up in arms when this movie releases, or if the idea that it's just a fictional tale will have settled in and secular folk will mobilize to watch it.

auto-fail alert. the da vinci code is one of the books that immediately grants a golden ticket to auto-fail status. if anyone states that the da vinci code is their favorite book or "piece of literature," auto-fail. sorry, no exceptions.

and was there ever an uproar about the left behind series? i've read many positive articles about it being used as an evangelical tool and as a popular series among christians and the like. but how come nobody is raising a fuss about this obviously over-dramatized version of the apocalypse? there was no screaming and yelling about the left behind series (or the omega code stuff) was there? did i miss something here or are only negative, non-evangelical stories attacked?