Sunday, July 25, 2004

it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright. i'm a big believer in the idea that some people are just idiots. i know, you may not agree with me. "everyone has some redeeming value!" actually, in my experience, some people have no redeeming value at all. i am not advocating the tar and feathering of these unredeemable people, i'm just saying that not all men are created equal. we should be treated equally as far as laws, justice and freedoms are concerned, but when it comes to opinions and brains, nothing is equal.

some people are under the impression that all opinions matter. if you have three people talking about something, three distinct opinions should be taken into account and respected. however, the rule i go by is not that "everyone matters" but rather "everyone matters only if they know what they are talking about." i'm quick to pass judgement on someone's opinions and to dismiss them as foolhardy or unworthy of (intellectual) respect. for example, someone might say "my favorite color is ." bam, sorry, wrong answer, gone, go home, you know nothing about colors. i would never again ask you for color advice, like ever. this in no way implies that you are worthless as a person, just that your color schemes and mine will clash violently. and i don't mean that metaphorically.

here's another example. if you say facts that are blatantly not facts, thereby posterizing as a fact poser, i will disregard anything else that might come out of your mouth on the topic. "i think simbabywei is pretty cold during the summer, due to its position in the northern hemisphere." whatever you might say about geography or the weather will forever be suspect in my eyes. i would also question your spelling and pronounciation of "zimbabwe." see how this works?

everyone has an opinion, not everyone has a worthwhile or valid opinion. you know this, i know this. but sometimes people try to pretend this isn't true. we are the world and all that. forget it. some people just have no idea what they are talking about. these people can be placated by a simple nodding of the head and talking over, under and through them. it's also helpful to remember what was said by this person, in order to pass along the story to your friends so that you can all laugh at how ridiculous a thought he/she had that penguins could actually fly.

class dismissed.