i don't think i handle adversity well. i have a minor sickness, a case of the fever maybe. not even a full blown fever, just a little bitty one. and all i can do is sit around, complain and sleep. sick jon and healthy jon bear an uncanny resemblance, this is true. anyway, today, i moaned and groaned and begged for "life saving panacea" or "home remedies that taste good." is melodrama fun or what?
i can't imagine being perpetually sick. i've been told that you just get used to it. if your migraines have been with you since you were a child, you just learn to deal with it. if you have rabies you just deal with it. when you get old and creaky, you just deal with it. pamela anderson has a life threatening case of hepatitis C and she seems to be having lots of fun. after all, isn't life worth living even if you are no longer fully functioning? however, i say that there is a definite point where the pain of life outweighs the joy of life. i'm guessing that this tipping point for me is lower than the one most people set. for example, i might be inclined to toss in the towel when i lose a limb or something. in an informal poll of random people (aka friends) -- conducted around a table at cheesecake factory -- i was definitely in the minority. apparently the idea of prosthetics is enough for most people to carry on. i'm not sure i could handle it. or leg it or arm it or whatever. i'm so going to hell.
a stunning admission to the world while i am slightly above ninety eight point six: sometimes paper cuts intimidate me. that's why i carry band aids, because i know that other people can be comforted through the power of pinky sized colorful gauzes. for me (and i'd guess most of you), thinking about how fast a piece of paper must be moving to inflict a paper cut is excruciating. think about the razor sharp edge of paper slicing over and into your body, then whisking all the way through. and then slow down the process in your mind. ouch. could anything be worse? like really?
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