one degree of separation. in the book i'm reading, i'm at a spot talking about "connectivity." some people are connectors, these people know lots of people and serve as an introductory agent to two parties. the author mentions breaking down all the people he knows, all the friends and people in his life, and figuring out how he met them. for him, a good percentage of the people around him were introduced to him by one or two connectors.
after reading this i decided to figure out where i met everyone i know, and through what person i know them from. yes, i have lots of free time. get over it. anyhow. he also talks about how people can usually identify what spheres they pull people from. for me, it's pretty easy, i only have two spheres: family friends (san diego) and college friends (michigan). i haven't lived that long, the spheres will increase i hope. anyway, i broke those spheres down into how i knew each individual and most of the people i know fall into three categories: family friends from childhood, ccf people and huaren/dance people. some variation does occur but surprisingly few. i wonder if this means i don't get out much, probably. aniwaise.
my highest individual connector? james. with a league high of six people directed connected to me through him, he takes the proverbial cake. a medal will be conferred no doubt. leslie was also a key figure apparently, with a whopping four connections. i've also apparently only been responsible to myself for four people, kind of sad if you think about it. i guess that makes me not so adventurous. oh well, life goes on. so now that i've taken the time to do all this what have i learned? well, not that much. but it was interesting while it lasted. now you try!
oh the point is, it's true, you meet people through people. unless you happen to be a people person and are just able to befriend random strangers. not i said the fly. nor me said the flea. shoot me.
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