going to the chapel and we're gonna get married. bells will ring. the sun will shine. i'll be hers. and she'll be mine. we'll love until. the end of time. and we'll never be lonely anymore. people. why ya'll getting married? got another "we're engaged" announcement today. that's three wedding this year. this is craziness. i declare a no proposal policy for the rest of the year. i can't handle this anymore. people getting shacked up left and right, declaring marriage, getting all happy. having wedding everywhere in all sorts of beautiful and romantic place. what the deal ya'll? why am i saying ya'll? i don't do that. i stick with the less flavorful "you all." i'm bland and generic. i know. i'm like that two dollar box of fake frosted flake nobody ever buys because anything but the authentic tony the tiger isn't good enough for a sugar high. (the link is to an article about "frosted flakes: the aphrodisiac")
but seriously. people are getting married. i am now offically at "that age." that age where people around you get married. and call you about it and tell you to set a date aside in "late summer" or "sometime next year." it's freaky almost. any day now anyone could be like "hey, i'm getting married, save *a date*." if that doesn't freak you out, we're obviously different people. but you knew that.
me and wedding registrie have become more than one time acquaintance, let's just say that. do you not marvel at what kinds of item sit on wedding registries? i do. i mean, i'm looking at the list of stuff and it's got all these household items. measuring pro teaspoon. rolling pin. sulllivan bed tray dark. stainless steel soapdish. quatro table lamp (actually that sounds intriguing). pro non-stick pan. get my point here? on the most momentous occassion of my friend's life i'm gonna give them a two gallon glass jar? with lid? what?!? does this not strike you as strange? if i handed you a freaking jar for your birthday wouldn't you be like..."gee, a jar. thanks jon. you're the best. *grumble grumble*"
but that is what we do on wedding now, buy the happy couple some household item off the registry. it's for a noble cause of course, but it feels kind of weird. well, at least when josh sleep on his aerobed inflatable mattress he'll think of me. ugh. sorry josh. btw, this is in no way complaining about you crazy engaged kids. engage on, it's our time to shine. marriage is good for the soul. and more power to those who can find marriage in these times. i am truly very happy for all of you. just don't overdo it okay? my feeble heart can only take so many wedding announcements.
i removed all the "s" plurals from this post. odd what it does isn't it?
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