Monday, February 17, 2003

more chapel. more marriage. how do you sustain a friendship with someone post marriage? especially when you're only really friends with one half of the couple? especially if it's the opposite sex half? the quick and dirty answer is that "you don't." once they get hitched they are strictly a we thing. anything you tell her, you should be able to tell him, because she will anyway. but does this mean you can't meet up and hang out with married people on their lonesome anymore? of course not. but there are some delicate rules to follow i'm sure. i have an inkling of these actual delicate rules but i'm not coherent enough to write about them down now.

it saddens me, to think that marriage could lead to the negation of a friendship. but it doesn't always have to be that way. does it? but it's definitely a big change. a huge change. and the dynamics and the hanging out of a friendship totally changes. it takes adaptation i suppose. but then again, doesn't everything?

adaptation was a dope movie. strange and quirky and innovative. movie hop it.