Thursday, December 12, 2002

so say you do something. something you could possibly "regret" later. but during the decision making process of the act, you know you're going to do it anyway, regardless of outcomes. like when given a choice, you wouldn't have changed a thing anyway. would that still be regret? even when you know the end result, the ramifications, will be more than you really want to deal with, yet you do it anyway, is that just pure stupidity? i like to declare often that i "have no regrets." which is more or less true. but the fallout from certain actions makes me "re-think" things alot. but i know that i wouldn't have changed anything that i've done. does this then still enable me to say that i'm not regretful of anything? or am i just deluding myself and rationalizing things that i ought to feel bad for, but really don't? it's the classic "i know i'm going to hate myself in the morning but fuck it, i'm gonna do it anyway" type of deal. this really applies to everything. it's "knowing better" and not doing it.

it's a funny thing when you can see so clearly what life will be like tomorrow as a result of your actions today. and you realize that you don't want it to be that way tomorrow, but yet you undergo all the actions to bring it to that outcome anyway. it's like personal pre-destination, knowing exactly where you will end up, having the chance to change it, but then not doing it. i am *this* close to being omniscient sometimes. or at the very least i'm sure i'm omni-stupid most of the time.