Sunday, October 27, 2002

while i was fantasy drafting, someone sent me an AIM. but in my rush to click around all my open windows, i denied their request to chat with me. (btw, there is no multi-tasking like trying to fantasy draft and organize and research everyone, all at the same time.) the thought of someone wanting to AIM me from afar, and then getting denied, bothered me. and now they are possibly banned by me. but i didn't mean it! and how do i know who they were? i'm so curious. maybe they were a fan? maybe it was some long lost friend. or just someone's new screen name. will i ever find out? if it was you, please speak up! i didn't diss you on purpose. promise. ah, the pathetic social life of sitting in front of the computer. and if you're reading this, you know what i'm talking about.

i also totally forgot about daylight savings today. obviously, nobody i hang out with has the prescence of mind to realize that we gained an hour today. i'm not sure if i'm proud of that fact or embarassed. either way, i woke up way too early to research for my draft and then sat online trying to figure out why nobody was on time. this is what happens when you have no structure in your life. embrace it.

addendum: how stupid do you have to be to make the same daylight savings mistake twice? real stupid. that's me. i went to this fellowship thing. started at six thirty. i roll up at what i think is seven ten. all late and everything. i get there. not a soul in sight. then the praise leader walks in, i introduce myself and ask "where is everybody?" he looks at me like i'm stupid (which we've already established...i am) and goes, "we don't start for another twenty minutes." *doh* but hey, at least i was on time for two things today, that's original.