Tuesday, October 15, 2002

meeting new people. it's now a process. it used to be a little more carefree. people just popped up. by simply being in a college environment, there was an endless supply of people walking in and out of your daily existence. even if you never really went out of your way to talk to people, they inevitably will wander into your life. friends will have other friends. organizations will have people. parties will be filled with random people. meeting new people in college is easy. it's the after life when meeting people becomes hard.

most people (i'm basing this on me, so the use of "most" is a little bit of a reach) emerge from college with a pretty good grasp of who they are. they know what kinds of people appeal to them. what kinds of things they like to do. the days of randomly wandering the streets are over, and the social sphere can be very limited. on one hand, you have the people you already know. and that is comfortable. but then that fact makes it hard to reach out of that comfort zone.

where do the cool people hang out? where are those people, who are mad cool, but don't work with you, live with you, know you from before, don't belong to bars and clubs.....where do they go? there is no one place for the fun, yet not super party people, to hang out and meet and greet. coffee shops? denny's? fumari's? where can you meet people? i guess that's why so many people go out to bars and clubs so much post college. it's the socially accepted place to make new friends.

not that i want new friends of course. i'm just wondering, were i in a position to have to go meet a whole new group of people, what would i do? where would i go? i would want to just skip all that initial BS and launch into a friendship ASAP. if we get along, cool. if we don't, next.