Thursday, July 26, 2001

My plan for world Blogger domination is slowly coming together. Ever since that first fateful day when i set my intention down on paper, i've slowly expanded my Blogger circle to about fifteen people. It's taken a bit of hard work and a little canoodling but overall, i've been happy to discover that there is a tremendous need for Blogger in people's lives. Whether it be a daily diary of events, a journal or just general musings...blogger is making a difference. I was so excited to see James and Je-Yi recently decide to put up a secondary blogger to complement their current ones. Perhaps one day we will all share one big blogger on which to share thoughts about every topic under the sun. Until that day comes, to the naysayers who refuse to Blog, "You are mine. Someday, you too will blog. You will eventually crumble and perish and give in to the pure personal release that is blogger."

One thing much as you can rely on Blogger to keep updated on people's lives, remember that is only a tool towards discovering someone's innards. The usual routes of friendship (talking, emailing, hanging out, drinking, smoking, balling) are still the best. Blogger only amplifies this friendship factor exponentially by providing a forum for discussions and thoughts that may not normally occur within the confines of a normal day.