Sunday, July 15, 2001

Everyone is gone. There's always this moment of emptiness when our apartment is free and clear again. Nobody on the couches, nobody on the floor. My room becomes big and spacious without luggage everywhere. I would trade all that in though for people to visit all the time. Then again, i get nothing done when people are here. The next big flood of people will be here in a month for Janet and that'll be pure craziness so i guess i can take this time out to settle things and buckle down and come up with a "life plan."

The past two weeks has seemed incredibly long and it's been fun all the way through because of the people visiting and the excitement of meeting new people (Mandisa, Anne, Amy) and getting to know some other people better (Amit, Randall, Gerard). I feel like the vibe has been really good whenever we all get together to explore the city or to chill out. Rationally speaking, we haven't had like big huge deep conversations as a group but i feel like there are so many things we could talk about and get diverse opinions on. I hope that happens at some point despite the fact that everyone will only get busier and more occupied.