the thomas crowne affair. my roommate, otherwise known as the photo nazi, accuses me of stealing everyone's photos. it's true. if i see a picture i like, i'll either take it or ask for a copy of the big version for my files. he thinks this is unethical. keep in mind that my roommate also makes me hibernate my computer after fifteen minutes of not using it because it "sucks electricity." he recently taught me a "better" way to wrap up the vacuum cord (our vacuum cleaner cost $400 don't you know). he also has an "ingenious way" to put the trash bag into the trash can for maximum waste holdage. and my roommate tells me to pee sitting down because for some reason or other our toilets were made for midgets -- whether or not i actually pee sitting down can't be disclosed at this moment. yeah, my roommate has some issues. but that's a blog entry for another time.
he says that me taking other people's pictures is immoral. i say it's just me wanting to have a collection of good photographs of my life, regardless of who was responsible for taking them. i mean, i'm not slow to give credit or to acknowledge the fact that these pictures weren't taken by me. if anything, i serve as a walking advertisement for how great a person's photography skills are. i have no shame in admitting that i suck at taking pictures with my outdated camera. with the ease of photo sharing nowadays, why not exchange (steal) photos from friends? that's why god invented digital photography. my roommate disagrees.
meanwhile, i continue to post all of his good pictures on my website, since i think it's criminal that these fine pictures are wasted on his computer when i (and presumably you) could be enjoying them. if you go to my pictures section or good picture albums, half of my links are to his pictures since he won't set up an archive himself. i'm doing him, and the world, a great service. someday he'll thank me for this. anyway, i just wanted to say that from now, and applied retroactively, any awe inducing picture that i present to the public was probably taken by one of my friends. it's not mine. got it?
i have gotten quite good at backseat photoshopping however, so if you seem to look better than normal in his pictures, feel free to thank me for my skills. i think i was born to use other people's skills for my benefit. oh, i hear my roommmate coming home now. i have to go clean the lint trap.
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