Sunday, September 19, 2004

got black to asian, and caucasian. it is a well documented fact that on the white female's dating scale, asian men rank somewhere below australopithecus men. and australopithecus man has been extinct for more than a million years. and they're not even human! this is how low asian men are regarded on the desireability scale. for those of you who say, "no no, i would date an asian man. i would totally date bruce lee." bruce lee is awesome cool but tragically, he's also dead. and there is nobody else like him left on earth. plus, all anecdotal evidence supports the fact that the first men caucasian females reject are always the asians. no personal evidence supports this because i'm too chicken shit to research this irrefutable fact on my own. but that's another story.

but now, asian men of the world, hope and help have finally arrived in the form of "how to date a white woman: a practical guide for asian men." i know, it's not quite as good as "date out of your league" but it's got similar themes i'm sure. the blurb for the book goes like this.

"Feel Confident about approaching attractive White women, avoid making irreversible blunders...written by an asian with asian men in mind within the context of a western society. provided inside are the knowledge, framework and tools necessary for an asian man to understand, to plan and to put into action the steps to successfully date a white woman. this step-by-step guide includes planning, relationship management and is an easy to read and easy to understand manual. the guidelines presented will help you pursue and succeed with that white woman you are after."

the weird capitalization of "Confident' and "White" are left intact from the site. apparently confidence and white are really important and deserve to be capitalized. "mr quan (the author) is an international business consultant. he has travelled and worked in many countries. for more than fifteen years, he has successfully dated women of many nationalities." is this not proof positive that this book will work for you? if not, read the reviews. surely the reviewers must be honest down-on-their-luck asians who have succeeded due to mr quan's words of wisdom.

"two months ago i came to amelica, not speaking a word of engrish. today, i own a laundry business and a white woman. thanks to mr. quan. reading this book has dispelled my beliefs that all white women weigh 350 lbs. and takes payments from the government office, the kind that live in my neighborhood. chapter 14 "where to find the white women" or someting like that, helped me find my white women in a nearby housing center for women. she is beautiful, with long face, and has many nice paintings on her body. she is safe there because it has high fences and razor wire. although i can only visit her on weekends when we are allowed conjugal visits, we will marry when she will be able to leave the mandatory housing center in 25 years. this is great country and i am happy to have read mr. quan's book which has helped me to overcome my shyness and approach white women with confidence."

"being asian, white women automatically assume i have an abnormally small penis. while dead on, this stereotype makes dating difficult. thanks to this book, dating has become so much easier! i have a different white woman every night, despite my small tool. this book has made me realize that i can get a woman to love me for more than my math skills. the book even went as far as to teach me how to get a white woman to realize that in addition to being great companions, household pets can be made into delicious sandwiches. i highly reccomend this book!"

the holy grail is in sight my ethnic brothers. let us reach out and grasp it.