blackout. it's so weird to be outside of a situation. last time new york shutdown i was clearly in the situation. this time with the electricity out from midwest to east it felt so different. i had no television either so i didn't know what today's event looked like. all i knew was that people from new york were calling me to get updates on what was happening in their city. and all that i could tell them was what i read on
cnn. which pretty much amounted to "no this is not a terrorist attack. and the whole thing just seemed so far away. maybe because a power outtage isn't an outright tragedy but still. how can something effecting all the people i know from michigan to new york seem so entirely distant? it must suck so hard to be in new york right now. manhattan without electricity must be the craziest place. hello the stand. hello dead zone. people are gonna be sweating honey bunches of oats if the electricty doesn't kick in soon. it's kind of exciting i guess to be faced with candles and flashlights, a little bit of an adventure. it makes you wonder though, what the hell else can go wrong with the world?
this is unrelated to the blackout. but this is important. clubs are dead. i don't understand how people are rolling through clubs past the age of twenty three. where's the excitement? maybe it's just san diego. maybe it's just the asian scene in san diego. but once you gather a lot of casually yet nattily attired san diego folk together it just kills the atmosphere. people are dressed super trendy, not even really super ghetto or hooched out but just dressing to impress. people are hanging out watching other not with them people, some hot sweaty bodies are grooving, some people are sipping drinks or smoking a cigarette. it all gets so old. unless you miss the dancing i guess, then it's worth it to venture out into the nightclub scene. otherwise it's the same type of people looking to do the same type of things, over and over again. ugh.
everytime your name was brought up i would act all nonchalant infront of an audience...i'm trying to learn how to sing falsetto, are you scared yet?
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