everytime i've been to the factory, there's been a different cook for the manager's dining room. the first time it was this really old guy who would be way too eager to please. he would be asking if the dishes were okay, if there was too much this, not enough of that. whatever. he would stand attentively near the table while everyone sat down to eat. he was apparently getting too old so he left. the next guy was a young chinese lad, in the middle of culinary school and he was kind of cool. he used green peppers in every other dish but it was okay, because i love green peppers. i think he had to go because he was just too lackadaisical. if the first cook was too attentive, this guy wasn't attentive enough.
this time back, there is another cook. he's maybe early forties and he is again, too attentive. i guess he's only been here a few weeks and so he's trying to make sure everything is okay, but all that attention gets kind of grating. i don't like it when people seem to feel that they have to do too much. i can wash my own bowl thank you very much. also, i guess because i'm the owner's son, i feel that i get too much attention. usually, attention isn't a bad thing. but it's again, very grating. he's very nice though. and a good cook. he served up something that looked like elephant's toes or something. i didn't ask what it was. i just ate it. which is pretty much standard policy when we eat here. don't ask. just eat.
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