Monday, June 24, 2002

boom selection is supposed to have lots of illicit remixes. i hope it's good. i love my remixes (can we say lyrics of the thong song set to billie jean? yes we can. well, amit hates it. but i like the novelty) but i can't see this site here in firewall land. so someone tell me if it's cool.

in other web surfing news (which is what i do all day for a good ten hours), missing matter is about intelligent stuff. not sure how intelligent. but intelligent. and slacker bonding is about. slackers. does reading about other slackers make you a slacker plus one? now we'll know. and if you want to pretend to be a DJ (who doesn't nowadays), go download PCDJ and fade music in and out to your little hearts delight. and flick the light switch on and off real fast so you can pretend you're having a real big party. or you can go steal the two hundred dollar red version to record your stuff and pass along parties-to-go to all of your friends. at least that's what i would do if i could figure out how to record on the damn thing. moving right along. robot street gang is chock full of essays about videogames. i love it. and you can't beat the onion for great stories. also, why oh why when you go to cnnsi is there a featured mark madsen bobble head doll as incentive to subscribe? first off, he's a nasty laker. second. it's mark madsen. i don't get it. then again, the less of kobe and shaq the better. to end all this link craziness, i have to admit that i straight up stole most of these sites from shift magazine. i'm a pirate. argh.

"get a life, get a life" is the sad sad chorus to my life. sing it loud. sing it proud.