Sunday, August 12, 2001

Leslie's friend Amy came down from DC today to stay for a week and along with Eric, who's staying for the week, the month of fun begins. The weather cleared up a bit today and the night turned out to be really good. A whole bunch of us met up for dinner at some Italian place in Hell's Kitchen. The food was decent and incredibly inexpensive by New York standards. After that, we wandered around a little bit in the Union Square area looking for a bar to chill at. We went to Lemon but it was really crowded and we couldn't fit all ten of us so we ended up inevitably at Heartland Brewery. I feel like despite our best efforts to find "new" places, we always end up in Union Square at Republic or Heartland.

One thing that i have to say is that in a large group, people have to do two things to facilitate decision making. First off...have a bit of patience. Twelve people are gonna want to do different things so everyone needs to be extra patient while a plan is formed. Second and most important, everyone has to be honest and say what they want to do. None of this, "i don't care" stuff. Everyone cares. Just speak up so your opinion can be noted and we can get the move on. It's too hard to gather everyone's opinions when nobody speaks up and then after the decision is made, people start wavering and rethinking what they really wanted. Just say it and we'll reach a consesus faster. That's the only problem with going out in a large group. Despite all that though, i love the energy generated by hanging out with lots of people.

Anyhow, after Heartland, we went to Metronome where Amy's cousin was spinning. We had to switch ID's to get Kyle in and once inside i realized that i'd never clubbed clubbed with him before. Tonite was definitely a night of firsts for a number of reasons but enough on that. Metronome had a nice setup but the crowd was pretty sparse for some reason. That meant we could occupy the dance floor and bounce around to our hearts content. It was a very expensive night however, i'm currently negative dollars after all my expenses. Sickening isn't it?