this fire. or at least two of them, were started by humans. not acts of nature. but arson. i wonder if they knew that the blaze would get so big. if they knew homes would be wrecked. i wonder if a disaster of this magnitude was their intent. or if it was indeed a prank that grew out of control. in sixth grade, a robber set fire to the house next door to ours, to be used as a distraction for his getaway. it seemed for a few brief moments, as we woke up in the middle of the night, like the flames were coming from our house. but instead it was just our neighbor's house, burning away. our neighbors were scheduled to return from their two week vacation that day. imagine that. imagine this.
the animals at the wild animal park are being threatened. this makes me sad. not that the rest of the fires and the humans running from it and combatting it don't make me sad. but the thought of animals, with their heightened senses and inability to go anywhere, makes me wince. i wonder if someone out there, is enjoying the glory of this wildfire. one day they can look at this and proudly say to their grandkids, or their cellmates, "hey i did this."
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