if i could turn back time. as fires rage across san diego county, smothering the skies and peppering the air with ashes, small children walk from business to business collecting candy. dressed in various costumes, they are oblivious to the lines of parents staring off into the horizon wondering, "when are the fires gonna stop and where will it be headed next?"
from hong's house we can see a line of fire in the hills beyond but it is too far away to threaten us. until the wind changes. in which case, anything is fair game. in the event of our evacuation, i have decided to take my computer, my new hat, my passport, my various clothing accessories and a few books. i would leave all my DVDs but take my CDs. in the event of an evacuation i would have to think about exactly which possessions are the most valuable and irreplaceable to me. in the event of an evacuation i would bring my toothbrush and contact solution. practicality second, safety first.
during state of emergencies it is best to eat lunch at costco and dessert at jamba juice. that is the way of my world. we also had no clue the time change thing was coming. it worries me that important things like gaining an hour are not in my consciousness at all. or in the consciousness of any of my friends either. they should send up flares to announce this kind of change, to remind everyone. oh yeah. fires.
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