it's been said to me, very recently, that i am a quiet person. i don't get this. i thought i was pretty loud. not loud loud but not quiet for sure. however, i've confirmed with various sources that i am quiet. or maybe at least soft spoken. like my voice is always low pitched. i thought people just couldn't understand me because i mumble. but apparently it's the decibels in my voice that also get lost in the translation from head to air to another head. i conceive of myself as a loud person, why doesn't anyone else agree? weird.
are people truly surprised by things when people go "this is what i think of you, (insert observation)?" or is it more like "oh i am? i didn't know that? why do you say that? tell me more about it?" i think it's the latter. people like to hear about themselves. it's true. in this case however, it was surprising to find myself identified as quiet. i know this is hypocritical. but hey. deal.
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