Wednesday, October 15, 2003

there's no point to any of this. it's all just a... a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. so i take pleasure in the details. you know... a quarter-pounder with cheese, those are good, the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain, the moment where your laughter becomes a cackle... and i sit back and i smoke my camel straights and i ride my own melt. -reality bites-

is it possible to take too much pleasure in the little things? i think that if one were to concentrate on and enjoy the little things too much, it is very easy to be placated and happy. this is nice of course. but it also allows you to go on day by day with no big picture perspective. all the big things that aren't going well can be obscured by the millions of little things that are. friends calling randomly at five in the morning. one funny moment while smoking a cigarette. a new word. internet. fantasy football victories. another "getting to you know you better" conversation. a picture worth at least five forwards. these things make the day go by. yet they are, in the overall big picture, pretty meaningless. there should be a law of diminishing returns about this type of stuff. or at least a saturation point. i mean, how many great conversations do you need to have before they all start sounding the same? it's like drugs. the more you take the less effect it should have on you right?

or maybe that's the case. the more you have of a particular something, the more it diminishes so you have to take more and more to maintain potency. so you're spent chasing that next high and lose sight of all other things. hum. that would be terrible. but yet possibly true and self applicable.