Sunday, November 10, 2002

cuz sharing is caring. there are times when people share things about themselves that seem to jump ahead of where you are in the friendship. i like that. when suddenly you find yourself finding out about someone and something that you probably shouldn't be finding out about until a bit later on the friendship curve. there are times when i meet someone, talk to them for a while, which turns into a long while....and the next day, life is suddenly totally different. because you've got a new friend that you feel incredibly close to. you've got a new perspective. you've got that shiny feeling like a new penny. i pretty much live for these moments.

and there are times when people expose themselves (not in that way) and show you their vulnerabilities and speak so frankly and honestly about something that you can't help but feel terribly special because they trusted you despite the lack of history between you. these are also pretty dope on the friend-o-meter.

on the flip side. there are times when people seem so very interesting but you just never get the opportunity to step up to that next level with them. and you're left constantly wondering about what they're like and what they think about. when i meet someone who i want to know better, i want to just absolutely devour them. know everything about them ASAP. and when that happens, it's great. when it doesn't happen, it makes me antsy.

people sometimes give you things totally out of the blue. physical things. like presents--commonly referred to in the vernacular as gifts--that you never expect and are semi-shocked to receive. but then you are so extremely grateful and thankful. and it's nice knowing that somebody has put forth the effort to grab something at random because it made them think of you. so. for the record. when you see apple emac....think jon.

alot of times, "thank you's" don't seem enough. just like "sorry" is so often inadequate. there really should be words that express the varying different degrees of "thank you" and "sorry." if the eskimos have a ton of words for snow, shouldn't we have hundreds of words for things that are important to us? i guess stuff like "gratitude" and "i feel your pain" are similar but they really come not so close to the meaning of "thank you" and "sorry."

there's alot of people i want to thank this weekend. and most of them, i didn't thank (yet?). so i guess i'll just psychically do it. and hope that my fledgling telepathic powers are in full effect. it's the thought that counts right?