Thursday, March 14, 2002

the ps2 is back in my life. i brought it back from new york mainly for the entertainment purposes of adam so today we sat around for hours “testing” it. you know, to make sure it still works. i left behind one of the special ps2 controllers so i can’t play ssx with two people. but nba street works just fine and we sat in front of my tv for many hours today.

here’s a video game story: a few summers ago, when jimmy and victor worked at horton plaza together, they had a span of a week or something when they just sat on jimmy’s couch and played n64 for days on end. jimmy’s parents were gone so nobody was in the house and i vividly remember walking in on the two zombies, with their hair askew and their shorts and their wifebeaters on. i dared not ask when they last showered. they were in a state of video game bliss and outside of a few life essentials like eating and bathrooming, they were attached to that couch. yeah, i was jealous.

one has to wonder what the purpose of playing tons of video games is, but then again, what is the purpose of spending inordinate amounts of time on useless things in general? pleasure right? trying to become the best street fighter player or the best video game player achieves absolutely nothing but damn it’s fun. i miss tetris.

while i’m here, let me relate another incredible video game marathon story. louis, the first day we got the new tetris, played for maybe twelve hours straight. we were pretty hardcore tetris-ing but louis was in front of that tv for so many shifts that his eyes eventually started to wear out. that explains why he’s so damn good at it now but i think we should not admire his tetris skills but rather his intense dedication to the game. go sweetone.