I have a revelation for a new lifestyle plan. It’s called the ten percent plan. In an effort to find a way to increase productivity while having increased time for recreational activities, i’ve found a simple yet sure fire way of ensuring the success of both goals. We will work to gain ten percent of our day back. In a twenty four hour day, that would mean 2.4 hours a day could be ours again. How are we going to do this? Simple. By doing everything ten percent faster. Or by cutting everything we do by ten percent.
posted by Tin Man
I don’t get it Tony! That sounds impossible! How are you going to do it?!? (overly exaggerated look of excitement here)
posted by The Wizard
It's easy, let me show you. Takes you an hour to eat? Eat in fifty four minutes. Shower in five minutes? Shower in four point five. Your internet surfing lasts for eight hours straight? Cut it by an hour and twenty minutes. Spend hours on the freeway? Drive ten percent faster (check with your local authorities on this one first). The new movie you’re watching is three hours long? Walk out twenty minutes before it ends. Or better yet, skip the whole preview part and save time there. Magically, as you gradually accumulate ten percents, you will have an extra 2+ hours of your life to do with as you please.
posted by Tin Man
Wow, that is amazing! Don’t you think that’s amazing audience? (clap here)
posted by The Wizard
Think of what you could accomplish with an extra two hours a day. You could read a book, write a letter, save a tree, take a nap…..the possibilities are endless. This plan is sure to increase your happiness and your productivity. At the end of the day you’ll feel like you’ve cheated the twenty four hour clock. All I need to market this is a catchy slogan. Someone help me.
posted by Tin Man
“Ten to win!!!”
posted by The Wizard
That’s not really all that catchy. That doesn’t even rhyme.
posted by Tin Man
Shut up, I only gave it ninety percent of my thinking power.
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