Advance reading copies of the book have arrived. Right into my grubby little hands. I spent a few hours at the bookstore today (and together with a partner in crime, amassed a dozen or so books, many of them for $2 apiece) and remarked on how anything put in book form automatically read so much better. And then magically my manuscript arrived all bound and pretty, and with a cover! This isn't the final version, of course -- that one won't be out for months (with a dedication page for damn sure) -- but it's pretty near complete. Start saving up now kiddies, everyone on your list will need one.
I wonder if I can go public with this thing yet. I mean, my greatest fear whenever a book is getting done is that it's all some big dream and if I reveal anything about it I'll wake up. Okay, keep it real, this has only happened once before. But still. I'm afraid to talk or speak about it because it feels like they can take it back at any point.
But now that the advance proofs are here, they're committed right?
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