Tin Man: I had a dream the other day where I was at a hockey game or something and an ex-girlfriend and her husband showed up.
The Wizard: They live in San Diego now, are you sure it didn't actually happen?
Tin: San Diego doesn't have a hockey team. It's totally impossible. It was definitely a dream.
Wiz: Incredible. Go on.
Tin: So what happens is that we greet each other like perfectly normal people and then we start talking. Actually the whole time I was just talking to him, for like half an hour. We've never even officially said "Hi" before. And then afterwards we all went outside and had to run away from blue and red colored knights. But I woke up feeling like we just had a really good meaningful interaction.
Wiz: I'm gonna guess here that maybe your brain is telling you that maybe you should meet up. Isn't that your take home lesson?
Tin: Well actually, I feel like that's probably not going to happen but at the same time it feels like we already did the whole meet and greet thing.
Wiz: This might sound stupid but what's actually preventing you from hanging out?
Tin: That's the mystery, although it's no mystery. The last time we actually had a real in person conversation was probably right before I walked out the door and didn't stick around to actually talk.
Wiz: That was like six or seven years ago.
Tin: It feels like yesterday.
Wiz: Everything feels like yesterday. Get over it.
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