I can't decide if I should refer to real people and real events with names, nicknames, or just by making allusions. For the most part I've decided to avoid names if I can and at times to even fuzz exactly when things happened. However, I have an inkling that at times I'm going to write about things that sucked, or were annoying, or were offensive, whatever. Some of it will likely be creative license but as we all know, creative license is usually still rooted in reality.
Mostly what I'm saying is that I need to get in better touch with things that aren't always pretty all the time, even if just for writing and practice reasons. If something clearly refers to you and you'd like it out, just tell me and I won't be offended at all. I just hope I haven't offended you (or your privacy). At the end of the day, I love you all. Ahem.
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