"be kind to your reader. capitalization and punctuation are the easiest ways to indicate exactly what you're trying to say. it's time for a little tough love, people: anyone who types in all lowercase needs to be taken out back and beaten. you are not e.e. cummings; you are not being "artistic." you're just too lazy to hit the shift key. if you can't be bothered with the extra keystroke, i can't be bothered to read your site. don't turn off readers before they even get to your words. (a refusal to capitalize is just one grammar horror that can be spotted at first glance. i can also spot an overuse of the ellipsis at 50 paces. there are two reasons to use an ellipsis (and neither one is because you don't want to write a transition): use an ellipsis to indicate words omitted from a direct quote or to trail off intriguingly. if neither of these are your intention, try a period. dot. full stop. terminal punctuation can be your friend.)"
-eats, blogs & leaves-
i write entirely in lower case and in the past, dropped ellipsis like they were loose change from my pocket. i've stopped doing that at the insistence of friends, family and people who cared. maybe i should consider going back to using capitalizations. i've heard some psycho babble about people who use no caps, like they have small egos or something (or was it big?). i'll have to see what that theory was and then adjust accordingly because i wouldn't want to misrepresent myself through my capitalizations -- or lack thereof.
do not take grammar lightly. lilly has a strict policy about grammar mistakes and many of her pet peeves center around this very issue. in a recent email she asked me, "is it bad that i really take it personally when people misspell, or use "u" and stuff? you don't do that with me, i know. because i scared you. but misspelling. bad grammer. it's like this big "ugh. this would NEVER work" thing with me." that's how serious this problem is. gentlemen, get on your grammar game, otherwise be prepared to be single for quite some time.
what's worse ladies? bad grammar or bad table manners?
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