Monday, February 9, 2004

you got served. twenty five thousand dollar pyramid: i'm just like a guy. i used to be a tomboy. i'm afraid i'm turning into my mother. i think i'm lesbian. people tell me i think too much. i overanalyze, why can't i just let it all go and have fun? i'm thinking about becoming a nun. i really loved it when shaq scored that touchdown. i'm never getting married. answer: things girls say around guys that are probably true but also used way too often. ding ding ding. big winner!

we (not the royal we but an ambigous ghost faced we) have noticed that sometimes when girls kick it with guys, they say things that are eerily similar to things that most girls say in all guy dominated situations. try this one. "i like hanging out with guys better because they are less catty." this is very very true but it's the stock answer of choice. just once i would like to hear "i like to hang out with guys because girls hate me." if only for the novelty of it. now, i am no way doubting that some girls are this cool. in fact, i love girls who say and are these things.

but the question is, is it possible that girls are just saying this because that's what guys want to hear? it's easier to "accept" a girl if you know that she's more guy-ish? so that girls are subconsciously or consciously saying such things in order to garner favor? i understand it's perfectly normal and universal for a girl to fear turning into their mother (the greatest of all fears) or that they think they think too much. but i mean, do any girls say "i don't think." even the unintelligent unthinking girls say "i think too much." i use the term "unintelligent" very loosely, not as a description but more as a personal opinion and scale of judgement.

not to think that only girls are like this. guys have the same types of stock statements to "get in with girls." i'm just less familiar with them because i hear the girls' ones more often. or i use all the guy ones and don't want to admit culpability. stuff like "i'm romantic" is sure to get the roomful of girls on your side. that's a tip gentlemen. try to lead with the sappy story about your perfect prom or something. that's always good for a hearty round of quiet applause.

so anyway. the point is that we noticed that girls who want to be down with boys, tend to use the same types of lines. or even just lines that come from girls that seem to be exactly that, lines for leading conversations and questions. "oh you think you'll be a nun? that's terribly original. can i ask why?" i'm not disputing that any of these lines aren't true, but there is a trend to be tracked here. i'm now on the lookout for lines like these. so share if you got any.

disclaimer: these observations, reflections, and ultimately, generalizations, were culled from a large population of girls. it is not meant as a desciption of any one or two individuals. if you happen to say all these things, and my comments seem strikingly applicable towards you(s), it is only happy coincidence. then again, it is entirely possible that i am talking about you(s), in a roundabout underhanded manner because i don't have the balls to say your name(s) in public. but the latter option would make me a weak willed willy with shit for a spine. you decide.