Wednesday, May 8, 2002

to tackle the issue of "why i blog." actually. screw that. let's talk about "why you don't blog." because i think everyone should blog. because it's time consuming and thought provoking and one day you can show your children your little petty thoughts at their age. and laugh along with them. while blushing in slight embarassment. plus, we're all bored here. blog so we can read for an extra three minutes a day.

i read an article about blogging (yes, i read articles about blogging. lots of them in fact. which makes me. doubly bored) which mentioned that in a way, blogging is just a person, pared down to a mind. devoid of physicality and all that superficial stuff. not that i don't look at pictures. because i do. but in a way, this is the most direct way into someone's mind. and even if it's half tainted by public expression, it is still someone's words and thoughts.

not that everyone's blog is like this, but even from the mundane things that people blog about, you get a glimpse into them. i cruise the blognet all day long (which might push me to triply bored) and read about people who are totally different than anyone i might meet. people who blog, are essentially talking to themselves. and it's interesting to see what the hell they talk to themselves about. sometimes blogs are cathartic. sometimes they're humorous. sometimes they're freaky. sometimes they're inspiring. sometimes they're downright weird. sometimes they're boring. but in the blogging world (and on the internet in general i guess) everyone is faceless. if you've ever asked what it would be like if everyone had the same face and you could just see their innards, this is probably the closest we're gonna get to it for awhile. this is the anonymity of the web. without the child stalkers and potential shadiness of AIM. the article said that blogging was like peeling off the layers and just holding up the soul for display. while i doubt blogging is quite that, it does have a nice ring to it.

course, i have my picture up here so i'm a big ass hypocrite. but oh well.